Thursday, July 20, 2023

zeitgeist (n) (特定時期的)主流思潮

zeitgeist [ˈtsaɪtɡaɪst] (n) (特定時期的) 主流思潮
[AL] the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place
[源] 來自德文 Zeitgeist = Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit, ghost),直翻是 “時代精神”,表示 “代表某一時代的主流思潮”。
[例] His songs perfectly captured the zeitgeist of 1960s America.
[解] 學者們認為每一歷史時期,都有屬於自己時期的主流思想,受當時的政治、經濟、文化、文學、哲學氛圍所影響。英語中常以 10 年 (decade) 為一單位,將西元紀年加 s,表示某一個時期,如 1960s (1960年代,指 1960-1969),1970s (1970 年代,指 1970-1979)。

Wednesday, July 19, 2023



GRE 中的德文字:

above + Ving/N 用法

be above + Ving/N (比…高尚而) 不願意做某事

這個用法的主詞是人,above 後面接一個動作 (Ving) 或一件事 (N),注意這裡的 above 帶有 not to do 的意思,翻做 “不做某事”。如果是 not above + Ving/N,就反過來了,意思是 “會做某事”,理解上可以把 not 和 above 看做抵消。見下圖:人在…之上 (above) 表示比其高貴,所以不願意做。在…之下 (not above = beneath) 表示比其低下,願意做。中文說某個人很 low,表示某人不道德高尚,說某件事很 low,所以我們不願意去做。

[MW] too proud or honorable to (太…以至於不能) stoop (原意是彎腰;失去尊嚴做) to + Ving

[例] not above taking undue (過度的) credit。過度取得功勞 → 搶功勞

[AL] too good for (some type of behavior, work, etc.)

[例] I thought you were above lying to people. 我以為你不會騙人。

[例] He was not above cheating when it served his purposes. 為達目的,他是會騙人的。

[例] Does she think she’s above that kind of work? 她覺得她太高貴而無法做這類工作嗎?

實戰上,不論文法是否正確,如果 above 後面是動詞 (Ving),看到 above 就用 not 替換,not above 就直接把兩字槓掉。如果 above 後面是名詞 (N),就用 can’t do 替換。


1. not above taking undue credit → taking undue credit

2. I thought you were above lying to people. → I thought you were not lying to people.

3. He was not above cheating when it served his purposes. → He was cheating when it served his purposes.

4. Does she think she’s above that kind of work? → Does she think she can’t do that kind of work?

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

GRE 字彙

字典 (依序):
單字測驗 (每天當小遊戲去破關):
ETS 推薦 GRE 閱讀讀物 (dense),星號無 paywall,可免費讀。

      Saturday, July 15, 2023

      GRE 作文

      GRE 作文考試時從官方題庫抽一題來考試。
      GRE 作文範例:

        GRE 專項考試 (Subject Tests)

        GRE 提供以下 3 項專項考試 (Subject Tests) 供考生選考 (非必要)。目的是讓申請研究所知道你擁有以下學科的專業知識 (比如說大學主修科系)。以下是考前練習題本:
        報名方式和 General Test 一樣,從這裡報名。費用是 150 美金。